Introducing: Unsubscribe forms and automation updates

Collect data on readers who churn, launch more automations, and more.

Happy Wednesday! The next 6 weeks are about to be absolutely packed with new features and I can’t wait to share them with you all.

As for what we’re launching today…

📝 Unsubscribe forms
⚙️ Automation updates
🌎 French and Portuguese
🙋🏽‍♀️ New help center
🎨 Edit newsletter spacing

P.S. we’re actively hiring for a Senior Software Engineer and Customer Success Manager. Learn more about the roles and our amazing perks here. We’re 100% remote and have an awesome team offsite coming up soon 😉

On to the product update…

📝 Unsubscribe forms

As an extension of our Survey Form feature that we launched last month, you can now create and assign a form to be an unsubscribe form.

What this means: readers who unsubscribe from your newsletter will be automatically redirected to the unsubscribe form. This allows you to collect additional data as to why they unsubscribed from your newsletter, or anything else you want to learn about them on their way out.

Example unsubscribe form

As a quick refresher, beehiiv Survey Forms make it simple to create forms comprised of free response and multiple choice questions. Reader responses are stored in aggregate and on each subscriber’s individual profile so you can utilize this data elsewhere (custom fields in email, segmentation, etc.).

Creating a form

To configure your unsubscribe form:

  1. Click on Survey Forms under Audience in your main side navbar

  2. Create form in the top right corner

  3. Build and save your form

  4. Enable as Unsubscribe Survey

Note: Survey Forms are only available to users on our paid plans. To upgrade or learn more about what our best plans offer, click here.

⚙️ Automation updates

Previously we offered two triggers to kickoff an automation flow: Sign Up and Upgrade. We are going to release several additional triggers over the next few months to considerably expand the scope of what’s possible with automations.

Manual Trigger

And today we’re launching the first of those—a Manual trigger, that allows you to enroll subscribers into an automation when you choose to.

First specify Manual as the automation trigger.

Then you can create a segment using our Segmentation feature to build a cohort of subscribers based on whatever parameters and metrics you choose. In the top right corner dropdown you can select Add to Automation.

And then select an automation that has a Manual trigger attached to it.

Coming soon: enrolling individual subscribers into automations directly from their subscriber profile page.

Multiple Triggers

You can now create automations with multiple triggers. This allows a ton more flexibility in building dynamic segments and will only become more powerful as we launch additional triggers.

Note: Automations are only available to users on our Scale plan. To upgrade or learn more about what our best plans offer, click here.

🌎 French and Portuguese

As we build a global platform for newsletters everywhere, we will continue to roll out support for additional languages.

And today we’re launching support for French and Portuguese (Brazilian).

You can find this setting in your Publication Settings under Default Language.

How this works

  • By default we provide auto-generated text in certain places for your readers (information about unsubscribing, text on upgrade pages, double opt-in confirmation emails, etc.).

  • To date, that text has been entirely in English, even if your content is written in a different language

  • By changing the language in your settings, all of the auto-generated text will now be translated into the language of your choice

  • This provides a consistent experience for your audience and causes less confusion for those who have readers less proficient in English

🙋🏽‍♀️ New help center

We’ve invested considerable resources into making our support and documentation world class. What this entails:

  1. A newly revamped Knowledge Base loaded with tons of new support articles (and another 100+ set to launch in the coming weeks)

  2. An expansive video archive of product and integration tutorials

  3. Quick link to the beehiiv Blog which is full of hundreds of case studies and best practices

  4. Access to our API Documentation

  5. Deep dive on everything email with our paid Newsletter XP Course

All support tickets are also filed directly in the platform now so you no longer need to get redirected to get in contact with one of our knowledgable support agents.

🎨 Edit Newsletter Spacing

We have received numerous requests to add more flexibility to the spacing between the header and the body of emails. Just ask this guy…

So after fielding one too many complaints on Twitter, you can now edit this directly in your Design Lab. You’ll find the option to edit Spacing under Email Header.

For those unfamiliar with the Design Lab, it’s where you go to edit the aesthetic and style of your newsletter, without needing to know how to code.

What did you think about these product updates?

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