✨ Introducing your new website

Enhanced aesthetic, search and filter posts, and blazing fast

I'm excited to introduce the biggest web updates to hit your beehiiv site since, ever. 

Today we're announcing the first of many updates to come, so your website is just one less thing you need to worry about when scaling your publication.

✨ enhanced aesthetic 🔎 search and filter posts🔥 blazing fast pagespeeds

...and a sneak peak of all the fun site updates you should expect over the next several weeks. 

✨ Enhanced Aesthetic 

We rebuilt the publication sites from the ground up—giving your website a beautiful (and performant) refresh. 

Home Page

  • Revamped hero section with a clear subscribe CTA

  • Search and filter functionality (more on that below)

  • Surfacing authors and social channels above the fold

  • Sleek UI revamp around the edges for a smooth browsing experience

Upgrade Page

To those with a premium offering—the upgrade page got a big time refresh to showcase your offerings and increase conversion.

Subscription Manage Page

We've made it easier than ever to put your readers in the drivers seat. Give them easy access to manage and update their subscription preferences.

Referral Hub

To those of you taking advantage of our referral program—your readers now have a new and improved experience to manage and track their referrals. 

Note: the referral program is only available to users on our Scale plan. You can view plans and upgrade here

🔎 Search and Filter Posts

In addition to aesthetic updates—you can expect a ton of new features and functionality to become available to your readers over the next several weeks. The first of those is search and filter posts.

You'll need to create content tags and tag your posts for these tags to become visible on your archive. Search is available out-of-the-box by default and will load posts in real-time. 

Both search and filter are also mobile friendly, as shown below:

🔥 Blazing Fast Pagespeeds

This one is probably just better to experience for yourself. Feel free to visit your website, or for convenience, can just head over to Important, Not Important (the newsletter we've been featuring throughout this update). 

And while you're there, if you're interested in science news and humanity, we recommend subscribing 😉

...Sneak Peek

It's hard to contain our excitement for what's to come—so I figured we'd preview a few of the upcoming features and capabilities coming to your website soon:

  • Additional layout options

  • Build custom pages

  • Many more SEO optimizations

  • Comment section

  • Likes on posts

  • Pinned posts

  • and much more 🚀

And in case you missed some of our recent product updates, be sure to take advantage of all beehiiv has to offer:

If you have any additional feedback about anything, please hit reply and let us know. All of these improvements featured above came from user feedback.

And be sure to follow us here on Twitter for real-time product updates and announcements.


or to participate.