✉️ Simple Sending

Contact who you want, when you want.

I’m so excited to share these updates, which address some of the most highly requested features and workflows by all of you.

This email is also loaded with monetization opportunities to help you scale your newsletter’s revenue 💰️.

Whether you’re looking for growth, monetization, audience insights, automations, or creative tools — we’re committed to building the best possible platform for you to succeed.

Let's get it…

Simple Sending

Last week we launched a massive overhaul of our segmentation builder — making it more powerful and easier than ever to understand your audience and create granular segments.

The next logical step is to make contacting those segments as simple and dynamic as possible.

Enter: Simple Sending

In the Delivery tab when creating a new post you’ll now see an all new menu.

There you can specify the precise recipients intended to receive access to the post on both web and email.

For example, if I only wanted to send an email to my readers in New York City:

  • Uncheck the Free list option under Managed Audiences

  • Select New York City Users under Custom Segments

    • FYI — this is a custom segment I created previously, specifying readers located in New York City

Now with Simple Sending, I can also do the inverse. Let’s say I want to send a post to my entire list except those who are located in New York City:

  • Check the Free list option under Managed Audiences

  • Click on the New York City Users segment a second time, which will transition the checkbox from an include (✔️) → exclude ()

  • Under Summary you can confirm that it looks correct

But why stop there? You can mix and match including and excluding segments however you’d like.

From the example above, let’s also include readers in the DMV, but exclude anyone who signed up from one of our embed forms…

Mini FAQ

What about the Email a Segment workflow?

That still exists, but will eventually be deprecated sometime in Q4. Simple Sending is the new and improved way to send emails to an individual segment. It also gives you full editor functionality so you can include Polls and the Referral Program directly in the post 💪.

Can I do this on my current plan?

  • Launch: create up to 3 segments (but cannot send)

  • Grow: create unlimited segments (but cannot send)

  • Scale: create and send to unlimited segments (i.e. Simple Sending)

Note: Simple Sending is only available to users on our Scale or Enterprise plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

Post Engagement

Upon very popular demand — we have added a new Engagement tab to your posts page.

Engagement Tab

Now available on every post, you can view the top 50 subscribers who:

  • Opened

  • Clicked

  • Unsubscribed

This allows you to quickly identify readers who engaged the most… or those who shouldn’t receive an invite to your holiday party this year.

p.s. if you want to see more than 50 at a time, then head over to Audience Segmentation, which is the proper place for more granular and detailed breakdowns.

Automations via Import

We launched the ability to enroll newly imported subscribers into specific automations❗️.

Any live automation with a Manual trigger is eligible to be selected, and you can even select multiple automations at once.

Importing subscribers

Note: Automations are only available to users on our Scale or Enterprise plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

Swapstack Acquisition

ICYMI: we recently acquired Swapstack 🥳.

Swapstack is one of the leading newsletter advertising and monetization platforms — home to thousands of publishers and hundreds of advertisers.

They have facilitated over $2M in advertising spend via their ad network across hundreds of campaigns.

What does this mean for you?

The goal of the beehiiv Ad Network is to give every newsletter the opportunity to earn meaningful revenue… without having to deal with the headaches that come with sales, copywriting, testing, reporting, and invoicing.

Do you want to start monetizing your newsletter with premium sponsors? Just click the button below and we’ll dish some ad opportunities your way.

👇🏽 Watch our tutorial on how it all works 👇🏽

Note: Access to the Ad Network is only available to users on our Scale or Enterprise plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

Top Boosts of the Week

Boosts allows newsletters of any size to earn meaningful and passive revenue by simply promoting other newsletters in the beehiiv ecosystem.

Here’s a roundup of this week’s top Boost offers. Just click to apply and begin promoting their newsletter 👇🏽

Newsletter: tl;dr sec
Topics: Software, AI, Cybersecurity
CPL: $2 /subscriber
Email Boost: $400 /send

Newsletter: Important, Not Important
Topics: Health, Climate, Tech
CPL: $2.50 /subscriber
Email Boost: $1,000 /send

Newsletter: TheFutureParty
Topics: Entertainment, Business, Tech
CPL: $2.50 /subscriber
Email Boost: $250 /send

Newsletter: The Phenom Update
Topics: Finance, Money, Crypto
CPL: $3 /subscriber
Email Boost: $1,000 /send

👇🏽 Watch our tutorial on how it all works 👇🏽


or to participate.