🚀 Email Blasts are ready for liftoff

Communicate directly with individual segments of your audience

Hey beehiiv crew!

It's been a longtime coming, but I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Email Blasts — the simplest way to communicate directly with individual segments of your audience.

...and we're also introducing a new type of segment, Manual Segments, giving you more flexibility to engage your audience and scale your publication.

🚀 Email Blasts

The What

Email Blasts are one-off emails sent to a specific segment of your audience.

As a reminder: segments are created using our Segmentation tool, which allows you to aggregate and group readers by parameters like:

  • engagement (open rates, click-through-rates, recent activity, etc.)

  • attributes (email type, attribution source, signup date, etc.)

  • posts (received, opened, clicked, etc.)

  • and more...

The Why

There are countless reasons as to why you might want to send an email blast directly to an individual segment of your audience. As for a few examples:

  • Sending a re-engagement campaign to readers prior to churning them

  • Identifying top readers and sending them some sort of promotional offer

  • Contacting a group of new subscribers who recently signed up from a specific event or webinar

You likely wouldn't be able to accomplish any of the above objectives by sending a post to your entire list.

The How

  1. Click on Audience Segmentation from within your navbar

  2. Create a new segment or click into an existing segment

  3. Select the Email Blasts tab at the top

  4. Create and schedule an email blast similar to how you would create and schedule a post

Note: email blasts are only available to users on our Scale plan. Learn more and upgrade to Scale here.

🛠 Manual Segments

As described above—our segmentation tool is incredibly robust, allowing you to create all sorts of bespoke segments based on parameters of your choosing.

However, you may want to directly upload a CSV to create (or add to) a segment. And with the introduction of Manual Segments you can now do just that.

Simply choose Manual as the segment type when creating a new segment, and proceed to the Configure tab to upload a CSV. A few things to note:

  • You can upload a CSV containing existing subscribers, and it won't create duplicates

  • If the CSV contains new emails, it will add them as new subscribers to your main list in addition to adding them to the specific segment

  • You can also import and create custom subscriber fields as a part of the CSV uploads

For a full tutorial, you can view the following video below:

If you have any additional feedback about anything, please hit reply and let us know. All of these improvements featured above came from user feedback.

And be sure to follow us here on Twitter for real-time product updates and announcements.

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