Audio Newsletters

See what's new @ beehiiv...

Tired of reading? Click 'Listen Online' at the top of the post and enjoy our brand new Audio Newsletter feature 🎧. You can give your eyes a break and tune in now!

But that’s not all. We’re also launching two of the most requested features of late…

  • Click Maps

  • Webhooks in Automations

Let’s break it all down πŸ‘‡οΈ.

Audio Newsletters

You heard me right, you can convert your written content into something your readers can listen to.

When creating a post, simply enable the Audio Newsletter option in the Website tab and choose from over a dozen unique voices.

The result? An audio player embedded at the top of your web post. It’ll also display natively in your all-new mobile app, making it easier than ever for your subscribers to read, listen, and engage with your content on the go!

Reminder: you can listen to this post here.

Click Map

Introducing the Click Map β€” the most seamless visual representation of reader engagement for your newsletters.

You can access the Click Map in the Performance tab after sending a newsletter. There, you’ll see click metrics overlaid on top of your content, along with other engagement metrics categorized and sorted along the side of the dashboard.

Note: The Click Map is not retroactively available for previously sent posts, but will be generated automatically for all future sends.

Webhooks in Automations

We continue to expand our Automation Suite, and today we’re excited to introduce webhooks into the mix.

Webhooks are automated messages sent from one app to another, triggered by specific events.

Example: Something happens in Platform X β†’ Platform Y gets notified about it.

In this case, beehiiv is Platform X, and you can now trigger these events directly within an automation. Here are some common examples:

  • Using the Upgrade trigger: A subscriber upgrades to premium β†’ a webhook is sent to Discord to add them to your private community.

  • Using the Referral Milestone Hit trigger: A subscriber reaches a referral milestone β†’ a webhook is sent to Google Sheets to track rewards.

  • Using the Signup trigger: A new visitor subscribes to your newsletter β†’ a webhook is sent to Slack to notify your team about your growth πŸ™‚.

Webhooks make your newsletter more powerful by enabling connections and integrations with any open platform on the internet 🀯.

Note: Automations and Webhooks are only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

From the hiiv 🐝

the hiiv is the official beehiiv Slack community, home to thousands of the top newsletter operators in the world.

This week Quinn, the author of Important, Not Important, shared some intel on how he’s scaled to nearly 40,000 subscribers with remarkable engagement.

Note: Access to the hiiv is only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.


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