Subscriber Tags

Plus, notifications, editor updates, and more...

You asked for it, we delivered. Introducing the easiest way to tag and classify subscribers — Subscriber Tags.

Plus, a new notification experience, editor features, and more powerful segmentations.

tl;dr… we’ve been busy.

🏷 Subscriber Tags
❗️ Notifications
⌨️ Editor Enhancements
⚙️ Automation Segments

Let me show you what’s new around here 👇🏽.

Subscriber Tags

With Custom Fields you can collect reader data and attributes like first name, favorite color, etc.

And now with Subscriber Tags, you can create and assign broader tags (like “artist” or “investor”) to your subscribers. This allows you to easily…

  • Create segments of readers

  • Trigger tag-specific automations

  • Send tag-specific emails to a subset of your list

  • And so much more…

Just navigate to Subscriber Data → Tags to create and view your tags.

Creating new subscriber tags

You can also update and assign tags to an individual subscriber directly from their profile page.

Adding and editing subscriber tags

Other ways to assign, update, and remove tags to/from subscribers include via:

  • API

  • Bulk action in Segments

  • Automations

Plus, more are coming soon!

Subscriber Tags are the latest feature to help you segment, analyze, and engage your audience 🤝.


We just dropped a whole new notification experience so you’ll never miss an important update again.

Viewing recent notifications

beehiiv pushes notifications when you have…

…and several others coming soon ❗️.

Editor Enhancements

The best editor in email is back with a few new updates:

  1. Adjustable button colors

  2. Reading time in byline

  3. Emojis in table of contents

Adjustable button colors

Add a button. Click the button. Change the background color. It’s that simple.

Changing button color

Reading time in byline

Many popular newsletters offer their readers an approximate reading time at the top of the newsletter. You can now go to the Design Lab to include and customize this feature to appear in the byline of your emails!

Adding reading time to byline

Emojis in table of contents

The table of contents feature is incredibly handy, allowing readers to navigate to specific sections of your posts on the web. Previously, emojis couldn't be added, but now you can include them 🙃.

Automation Segments

We are constantly listening to feedback and actively seeking ways to deliver the data and functionality that best serves your needs.

Today, we’re releasing our latest Segmentation feature: Automation Enrollment.

You can now segment your list based on who has completed or is currently enrolled in a specific segment.

Segment of readers who have completed an automation

What are Boosts?

The easiest way to passively earn revenue from your newsletter. Period.

Browse hundreds of offers like the ones below in the Boosts Marketplace, apply to those that align with your newsletter, then passively earn revenue for each subscriber you send their way.

Link to newsletter 
Earnings per lead: $4.00
Max payout per email Boost: $238

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $3.00
Max payout per email Boost: $798

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $3.20
Max payout per email Boost: $800

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.10
Max payout per email Boost: $447

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.00
Max payout per email Boost: $640

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.40
Max payout per email Boost: $200

From the hiiv 🐝

the hiiv is the official beehiiv Slack community, home to thousands of the top newsletter operators in the world.

Tons of incredible content and discussions this week, like Patrick sharing his top 5 growth strategies 👇️ 

Note: the hiiv is only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.


or to participate.