📈 Introducing: Premium Subscription Dashboard

Track your growth and churn with the new premium subscription dashboard.

Every single decision I make is through the lens of—”what can we build to help our users grow faster and make more money?"

So today we’re launching more support for users with premium subscriptions. This is the first of many-to-come updates advancing the insights, data, and control you have while scaling your paid newsletter.

**As a reminder, beehiiv takes 0% of your subscription revenue when launching a paid newsletter on beehiiv.

In this week’s product update…

📈 Premium Subscription Dashboard
🚦 Global UTM parameters
🔀 Read Online redirects
🌐 Wordpress plugin
📊 Segmentation updates

📈 Premium Subscription Dashboard

Prior to today—you would sync your Stripe account, accept payments, and have little insight to the overall growth and trends of your paid newsletter.

With the addition of the Premium Subscription Dashboard you can easily assess the health of your subscription business at a glance. The chart surfaces the following events:

  • Subscribe

  • Upgrade from free to premium

  • Downgrade from premium to free

  • Unsubscribe

  • Expired subscription

Users on our paid plans can access this under Monetize → Subscriptions.

We plan to roll out several additional charts, insights, and functionality to better assist those with a paid newsletter. If you have feedback on what would make your life easier, hit reply and let me know 🙂.

Note: the data here is not backfilled, and will only begin tracking premium subscription events created after 3/29/23. For historical data, we recommend referencing your Stripe dashboard for the time being.

**As a reminder, beehiiv takes 0% of your subscription revenue when launching a paid newsletter on beehiiv.

🚦 Global UTM parameters

UTM parameters are the most widely accepted methodology for tracking attribution on the internet.

When leveraging Google Analytics and other tools (including beehiiv), the parameters appended to a URL is what’s used to understand where that web visitor is coming from. But having to manually create URLs with the correct UTMs can be a total pain.

With our Global UTM tool, located here under Publication Settings → Analytics, you can customize the UTMs appended to all of the links in your newsletter, automatically.

When toggled on, beehiiv will automatically add the following (recommended) UTM parameters to all links in your newsletter:

  • utm_source: name of your publication

  • utm_medium: “newsletter” for links in email and “referral” for links on the web

  • utm_campaign: the title of your post

To give a tangible example, I’m going to link to our homepage: here. I simply added the hyperlink to be beehiiv.com.

However, with this feature enabled, beehiiv automatically appended the default UTM parameters to every link in the post. The final URL sent to my readers is the following…


Pro tip: enabling this gives you credit for the traffic you’re sending to other places on the web. When companies view their analytics and see the volume of traffic you’re sending, it can lead to future partnerships and advertising opportunities.

Note: we have toggled this on for every user by default, so it is opt-out. We have also built this in such a way that it will not impact the attribution of hyperlinks with existing UTM parameters.

🔀 Read Online redirects

From day one, we made a decision to build an open platform that plays nicely with the broader online ecosystem (most people call this the internet).

Some users have chosen to host their content on other 3rd party websites and simply use beehiiv to send the newsletter itself.

By default, the Read Online link in the header will hyperlink to the web version hosted on beehiiv; however, with the addition of the Read Online URL redirect you can send readers wherever you’d like.

You can find this setting under Email in the new editor.

Warning: once the email is sent, you can not retroactively update this value. Be sure that wherever you are sending traffic is a live and accessible URL. If you’re unsure how to leverage this feature, you’ll likely want to leave the field empty.

🌐 Wordpress plugin

Related to the above—we partnered with our friends at Arcbound to build a Wordpress plugin, Archiiv (get it?).

It’ll seamlessly integrate subscribe forms onto your Wordpress site and send new signups directly to beehiiv without using any code. You can watch the video tutorial below:

Coming soon: the ability to automatically retrieve posts and display them natively on a Wordpress site.

Note: you’ll need access to the API which is currently only available on our paid plans. You can learn more about the paid plans and/or upgrade here.

📊 Segmentation updates

In a continued effort to provide more flexibility to our segmentation tool, we have launched two additional filters.

  1. Segment based on Referrer URL: because not everyone uses UTM parameters, sometimes Referrer URL is the only attribution data you have.

  2. Segment based on Embed Source: to track signups coming from specific embed forms (a lot of users leverage multiple embed forms across the web).

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