The New Website Builder ✨

Select, Style, Ship. No code required.

Today we are launching the all new Website Builder — quite possibly one of the largest updates we have ever released.

You can now build beautiful websites easier than ever before, and you’ll never need to write a single line of code.

Let me show you what’s possible 👇️ 

Website Styles

There are three tabs located in the top left of the Website Builder: Styles, Layouts, and Settings.

We’ll start with Styles — which is home to everything related to your global website colors, typography, forms, widgets, borders, etc. Here you’ll be able to:

  • Choose the colors and fonts used for your posts, navigation, footer, headers, forms, and more.

  • Build custom subscribe forms and buttons.

  • Hide or display comments, authors, dates, badges, and widgets.

  • Update the borders, shadows, and fonts of each element.

  • And so much more…

Almost every component can be customized by choosing from millions of colors, a variety of web fonts (or any Google Font), and additional styling options.

Website Layout

The Layout tab is where it really gets fun; go deeper and customize individual sections of your website in more granular detail.

  • Build custom webpages for your site.

  • Add menu items and dropdowns to the navigation menu.

  • Select featured posts to highlight.

  • Add custom background images and text to the hero section.

  • Choose the pattern and colors used for the archive.

  • Add testimonials and FAQs to the Upgrade Page.

  • Highlight your latest posts for visitors on the Subscribe Page.

  • And so much more…

Reminder: You can toggle between the Home Page, Signup Page, and Upgrade Page in the dropdown at the top.

Note: The Layout tab and other advanced website customizations are only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

Website Settings

We took all of the website-related settings that were previously buried throughout the app and moved them into the new Website Builder.

  • Tracking Pixels

  • SEO Settings

  • Social Media Links

  • Custom Signup Flow

  • Comment Settings

  • Website Security

  • GDPR, CCPA, & Compliance

If you need to update anything related to your website, you can find it here.

Website Pro Tips

  • No content yet? You can toggle on Example Site in the top right corner to populate the website with sample data.

  • Want to view the site on mobile? Just click the mobile icon in the top middle of the page to preview the mobile version.

  • Want to update the meta data? Click on the ⚙️ icon in the top right to customize the meta data displayed on search results.

  • Want to view a full-screen preview? Click the Preview button in the top right corner.

  • Make a mistake and want to start over? Just click Theme Reset under Settings.

  • Easter Egg? Click on the favicon next to the URL bar 🤫.

  • And don’t forget… to click Publish in the top right corner for your changes to go live!

Or watch the full tutorial below 👇️ 

What are Boosts?

The easiest way to passively earn revenue from your newsletter. Period.

Browse hundreds of offers like the ones below in the Boosts Marketplace, apply to those that align with your newsletter, then passively earn revenue for each subscriber you send their way.

Link to newsletter 
Earnings per lead: $4.00
Max payout per email Boost: $240

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.00
Max payout per email Boost: n/a

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.40
Max payout per email Boost: $240

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.00
Max payout per email Boost: $512

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.00
Max payout per email Boost: n/a

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.40
Max payout per email Boost: $200

From the hiiv 🐝

the hiiv is the official beehiiv Slack community, home to thousands of the top newsletter operators in the world.

Tons of incredible content and discussions this week… like using polls and rocket surgery 🚀 🩺.

Note: the hiiv is only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.


or to participate.