Multiple Subscription Tiers 💸

Your revenue potential just went vertical.

beehiiv is home to thousands of paid subscription-based newsletters. Today, their revenue potential just 📈.

With multiple subscription tiers, users can create custom offerings for every type of subscriber. For example: a free tier, a $5 monthly “premium” tier, and a $50 monthly "founders" tier.

And we take 0% of your subscription revenue.

Let’s break it down 👇️ 

Intro to premium subscriptions…

First, explain it to me like I’m 5 years old — what’s a paid newsletter and how do I offer premium subscriptions to my readers?

  • By default, most readers sign up to your newsletter on a free subscription.

  • Premium subscriptions allow you to charge readers a monthly or annual price to access additional perks like…

    • More content

    • Exclusive deals

    • Community access

Important, Not Important premium subscriptions

You can launch a paid newsletter on beehiiv in just a few clicks, and you never have to worry about handling payments or user authentication. Plus, beehiiv never takes a cut of subscription revenue (unlike most other platforms).

beehiiv also offers tons of customization and beautiful dashboards to manage your budding subscription business.

Premium Subscription dashboards

Note: Premium Subscriptions are only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

Creating multiple tiers

Prior to today, beehiiv allowed users to create a single premium tier — readers were either free or premium.

Today we are launching the ability to offer multiple subscription tiers meaning you can create and offer addition subscription options at various price points.

Multiple subscription tiers

Simply navigate to Settings → Publication → Premium to create and edit additional subscription options. From there you’ll be able to customize the:

  • Name and description of the subscription plan

  • Pricing options and currency

  • Plan benefits and perks

Creating a new subscription tier

Now that you have added a few additional subscription tiers, you can head over to our brand new Website Builder and customize your upgrade page.

For context: the upgrade page is the page where readers are shown the available subscription options, prices, and benefits.

Editing the upgrade page in the website builder

Note: Premium Subscriptions are only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

Leveraging multiple tiers

beehiiv makes it simple to identify readers on different tiers, derive insights, and deliver value.

Audience segmentation

Using our powerful Segmentation tool, you can create segments of readers on specific tiers, review engagement data, and perform bulk actions.

Creating a segment for premium subscriptions

You can also check individual subscriber profiles to view and manage their subscription plan.

Creating premium-only content

Whether you’re creating content only for the web, or sending a full newsletter via email — you can easily select the specific audience (and subscription tier) that has access to it.

Selecting a specific premium tier

Visibility settings

Using our powerful text editor, you can toggle the visibility of content on a section-by-section basis. A few simple examples of what that unlocks…

  • You could hide advertisements from paying readers and only display them to free readers.

  • You could promote an exclusive VIP event only for your highest paying subscribers.

Automations and journeys

Problem: You want readers who upgrade to your highest tier to receive an invite to your private community.

Solution: Using our Automations feature, you can trigger a custom journey when a reader upgrades to a specific tier and send them an invite to join.

There are truly limitless possibilities to what you can offer your readers with a premium subscription, and beehiiv’s tools and platform makes it simple to serve them however you’d like.

Note: Premium Subscriptions are only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

Coming soon…

Our goal is to build the most robust and publisher-friendly subscription product in the industry.

This is just the first of many new features and capabilities set to launch this spring regarding paid newsletters on beehiiv. As for what else you can expect soon…

  • Additional payment options for your readers

  • Better subscription management tools for you

    • …and your subscribers

  • New dashboards, metrics, and more…

Note: Premium Subscriptions are only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

What are Boosts?

The easiest way to passively earn revenue from your newsletter. Period.

Browse hundreds of offers like the ones below in the Boosts Marketplace, apply to those that align with your newsletter, then passively earn revenue for each subscriber you send their way.

Link to newsletter 
Earnings per lead: $3.52
Max payout per email Boost: $799

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.40
Max payout per email Boost: $799

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $1.75
Max payout per email Boost: $638

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $1.00
Max payout per email Boost: $2.5K

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.40
Max payout per email Boost: $511

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $1.24
Max payout per email Boost: $639

From the hiiv 🐝

the hiiv is the official beehiiv Slack community, home to thousands of the top newsletter operators in the world.

Lots of great discussions and networking this week…

Note: the hiiv is only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.


or to participate.