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  • Introducing: email bylines, custom footers, additional fonts, and more

Introducing: email bylines, custom footers, additional fonts, and more

Product updates // May 10, 2022

Happy Tuesday! We've got some really big and exciting things in the works I can't wait to share with you all in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we launched a few highly requested features to help you further customize your newsletter!

🧑 Email bylines🎨 Custom footers🆒 Additional fonts📊 Export referral data✨ New landing page

Email bylines

You may have noticed a familiar face at the top of this email, and now your face can be included at the top of yours too. With customized email bylines, you have full control over the aesthetic of your byline, and the optionality to include it (or not) for each individual newsletter.

Just go to your Settings and click on Email Template in the side nav. From there, choose Email Header from the dropdown in the top left and you'll see the option to customize your byline.

You're given the option to edit the:

  • font family

  • font size

  • font color

  • font weight

  • vertical spacing

  • avatar size

  • date format (optional)

  • date color

And then with any given newsletter you can choose whether or not you'd like to display a byline in the email. As you can see in the picture above, it can also handle multiple authors 😎

Note: with the introduction of the date format optionality for the byline, we also introduced the ability to change the date format located at the top of your email (including the ability to remove it entirely like we did for today's issue).

Custom footers

We've introduced the ability for you to set up a custom footer to take advantage of that precious footer real estate.

Just go to your Settings and click on Email Template in the side nav. From there, choose Email Footer from the dropdown in the top left and you'll see the option at the bottom to create custom footer content.

The feature takes advantage of our rich text editor—meaning you can add all types of text, lists, images, buttons, embeds, and more.

p.s. you can check out ours below 👀

Additional fonts

When customizing your email template, you can now choose from a selection of 20 web fonts to utilize in your newsletter.

It's worth noting that not all fonts are supported in all email clients. If the font you choose isn't supported in a reader's client, we'll automatically provide a backup font so it renders properly.


**We'll actively monitor the requests and add fonts periodically

Referral export

While we have some thrilling updates to the referral program coming soon, we've introduced the ability to export all of your referral data via csv so you can slice and dice it for valuable insights.

We're proud to announce that newsletters on beehiiv have collectively grown by ~30,000 subscribers via referrals since launching this tool a few months ago 📈

**The referral program is available on our Growth plan

New landing page

Truthfully you probably don't care about this because you already signed up, but we were really excited about it.

If you have any additional feedback about anything, please hit reply and let us know. All of these improvements featured above came from user feedback.

And be sure to follow us here on Twitter for real-time product updates and announcements.


or to participate.