Webpages & Navigation

Build the website you've been dreaming of, with more options than ever.

You’ve been asking about making your website more flexible, and we’ve been listening.

So today we are launching the ability to…

  • 🗺 build a bespoke navbar
  • 📄 create custom webpages
  • 🌐 link out to external websites
  • 📚 launch category pages

To date, your beehiiv-hosted website has been a collection of your posts, a subscribe page to collect new emails, and a few other pages we create for you like a referral hub and subscription management for your readers.

I’d consider those the bare necessities.

But what if you wanted to link to your online store, create an About page to tell visitors about your publication, or create a Podcast page with a dedicated feed of recent episodes?

Well now you can…

The features and functionality described in this post can be found in Settings → Website → Navbar.

🗺️ Build a bespoke navbar

On the settings page above, you can create up to 5 Menu Items. Menu Items are simply items that will appear within your website’s navbar. (i.e. Home, Shop, Archive, Podcast, etc.).

Menu Items can contain a single link, or you can create a dropdown by adding several links within a single Menu Item.

After creating some Menu Items you can change the order in which they are displayed via drag and drop.

You can always add to, edit, and delete Menu Items from within the settings. These items will be displayed on your live site upon saving.

As for what you can add to a Menu Item, you have two options:

  • Custom webpage

  • External website

📄 Create custom webpages

As the title might suggest, you can now create a custom webpage of whatever you’d like and have it hosted on your website.

A few common examples we’ve seen:

  • About page

  • Podcast page

  • Donate page

  • Vlog page

  • Advertise page

  • Contact Us page

But because our new editor supports custom HTML, the options here are boundless. You can drop in HTML for whatever you’d like and have it rendered exactly as you’d expect as its very own webpage on your site.

For example, below is a screenshot of me creating a custom webpage on our blog dedicated to our new NewsletterXP course.

Page builder in beehiiv

And you can see that page live in action as a dedicated webpage on our blog here. You may notice it also lives in the navbar as well 😉.

🌐 Link out to external websites

While the ability to build your own webpages is awesome, you likely already have other pages online somewhere.

So whether it’s your store on Shopify or your Twitter page, we’ve made it incredibly simple for you to add external links to your navbar.

Just click Add External Page and add whatever link you want. Above you can see us creating a link to our beehiiv Shop (we sell crewneck sweaters that are proven to boost your attractiveness).

📚️ Launch category pages

Last year we launched a feature called Content Tags that allows you to create different tags and assign them to your posts to better categorize your content.

Readers have been able to visit your website and easily filter based on these tags. And now, we are creating a webpage optimized for specific content categories.

For example, if you visit our blog at blog.beehiiv.com/t/deliverability you’ll see a page dedicated to all of our deliverability related posts.

To enable this, just visit your Navbar settings and Add Categories Menu Item. By default we will show all of your content tags in a dropdown, but you can also select the specific tags if you’d prefer not to show all of them:

Tying it all together…

You can now seamlessly create custom webpages, link out to external websites, and build a flexible navbar to better accommodate your readers. It’s both super fun and simple to do.

Note: custom webpages and navigation is only available on our Scale plan. To learn more about our paid plans and/or upgrade, visit here.


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