💰 Boost your revenue

More data, more insights, and more tools to help you monetize...

It’s the final product update of 2023, and it’s been quite the year…

Wild to think that I wrote that tweet prior to our three most recent updates in December. And today’s won’t disappoint either…

💰 Boosts enhancements
🎨 Custom confirmation emails
⛓ Survey submission automations
👩🏾‍💻 Bulk API endpoints

Show me the money.

Boosts enhancements

Today we are launching two huge updates to help publishers earn more revenue with Boosts:

  • New Monetize dashboard

  • Boosts popup widget optimized for conversion

New Monetize Dashboard

We completely revamped the Boosts Dashboard for those of you monetizing 📈.

Monetize dashboard

At the top of the dashboard, you’ll see the most important metrics and data about your revenue, including the subscribers you are driving to other publications.

Then below those metrics, we call attention to current publishers you are working with who have enabled Email Boosts, and allow you to apply with one click.

As a reminder: Email Boosts allow you to promote other publishers in your newsletter with a simple one-click signup button; making them the simplest way to drive a large volume of revenue in a single email send. For example, if a publisher is paying you $3.00 per subscriber, you include an Email Boost in your newsletter that generates 1,000 clicks, you could earn up to $3,000.

Overview Table

As you scroll down, you’ll find a line-by-line breakdown of the revenue you’ve generated by helping other publishers grow.

You’ll see the current that rate each publisher is paying you per subscriber, the subscribers who are in your pipeline, and the revenue you’ve earned from each.

Email Boosts Tab

Under the Email Boost tab, you’ll see any current Email Boosts you have active with a simple reminder to include them in an upcoming newsletter of yours.

In the table underneath, you’ll see the performance of every single Email Boost you’ve run previously. Email Boosts are the simplest way to drive a large volume of revenue in a single email send.

Insights Tab

Finally, under the Insights tab you can track and visualize the revenue and growth you’ve generated over your selected time frames.

Boosts popup widget

Today we’re launching a brand new popup widget that is considerably more sleek and optimized for conversion.

New Boosts popup widget

The new widget will appear for new subscribers after they submit their email, and prior to continuing on the post-subscribe journey.

Early tests have shown a considerable increase in conversion rate, which should lead to more revenue generated for you when you are boosting other publishers 📈💰️🤑.

New to Boosts?

  1. Connect your Stripe account (so you can get paid)

  2. Visit the Boosts Marketplace to browse offers

  3. Apply to publishers that are a good fit

  4. Once accepted, you’ll begin generating revenue automatically  

Note: Boosts are only available to users on Scale or Enterprise plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

Custom confirmation emails

One of the most common questions we receive is “Can I customize the double opt-in confirmation emails?”

As of today, the answer is yes.

Just go to SettingsPublicationDouble Opt-In and click View and Update Confirmation Email.

Double opt in settings

  • You can now edit the content of the confirmation email to include whatever you want.

  • Each email also features a confirmation button that directs subscribers to your beehiiv homepage or a custom URL.

    • Simply add a Opt-In Redirect URL in the settings (above) to redirect new readers to a different location.

Double opt-in is an optional setting that requires new subscribers to confirm their email before they can begin receiving emails. Until they confirm their email (i.e. click the button in the confirmation email) they will be marked as Pending.

Note: All subscribers who join via Boosts, Recommendations, or the Referral Program automatically go through the double opt-in process to reduce spam and abuse.

Survey submission automations

We won’t stop shipping Automation features until beehiiv is home to the most robust suite of automation tools in the industry.

Today we are launching two powerful new Automation features:

  • Survey submission trigger

  • Survey submission conditions

As a reminder: beehiiv Surveys allow you to collect information about your subscribers without needing to use and pay for SurveyMonkey, Typeform, etc.

You can even build custom subscriber flows to display surveys as soon as someone signs up or unsubscribes from your newsletter.

Below is a simple survey we ask new readers to submit when they sign up to this very newsletter you’re reading right now.

Onboarding Survey

As of today, you can now trigger automations when a reader submits a survey response.

Survey Submission Trigger

In our example, we can enter readers into an automation as soon as they submit an onboarding survey for this newsletter.

And with Survey submission conditions… you can now add logic to check whether or not a reader has submitted a specific survey previously.

Below is an example of a True/False Branch that is checking to see if the reader both submitted the onboarding survey and answered that they do not have a newsletter on beehiiv.

Automation Step Conditions

With this new logic, I can send an automated and targeted email to readers who don’t yet use beehiiv 🙂.

Note: Automations are only available to users on Scale or Enterprise plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

Bulk API endpoints

We have made some considerable upgrades to our API. The goal is to further empower you to take advantage of the open web and integrate our platform however you see fit.

What’s new…

Note: The API is only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.

What are Boosts?

The easiest way to passively earn revenue from your newsletter. Period.

Browse hundreds of offers like the ones below in the Boosts Marketplace, apply to those that align with your newsletter, then passively earn revenue for each subscriber you send their way.

Link to newsletter 
Earnings per lead: $3.20
Max payout per email Boost: $1,600

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.00
Max payout per email Boost: $640

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $1.60
Max payout per email Boost: $640

Link to newsletter
Earnings per lead: $2.40
Max payout per email Boost: n/a

From the hiiv 🐝

the hiiv is the official beehiiv Slack community, home to thousands of the top newsletter operators in the world.

This week there were tons of feedback sessions with the community helping each other... and lots more 💪.

Note: the hiiv is only available to users on paid plans. You can learn more and/or upgrade here.


or to participate.